七福神の一神に数えられる大黒天はインドの神様です。インドから中国、そして日本へと伝来してきました。仏教の大黒天 ( 摩訶迦羅 ) のご本体は久遠 ( 永遠なるもの ) のお釈迦様の変わられたお姿とも云われております。
大黒天神法には、「もし安置し供養せば、千人の人を養い厨房を潤す。もし三年専心に供養せば、必ず富貴・官位・福禄を授与す。必ず自然に栄え、楽しみが倍増して四季に美しい味の食を備える」と。その誓願を慈眼視衆生 福寿海無量 ( 慈眼をもって衆生を視る 福寿の海無量なり ) と云い、戦・商売 ( 貿易 )・富貴・堂屋・食物を守護される神様であり、また 身も心も貧しき人に福を与え、皆令離苦 得安穏楽 ( 一切の人をして苦を離れしめ 安穏の楽しみを与える ) でもある、「寿福円満 開運招福」の福の神であります。
Daikokuten, one of the Seven Lucky Gods, is an Indian god. Introduced from India to China, and then to Japan. The Buddhist Daikokuten’s (Mahakala) real form is also said to be the changed appearance of the Kuon (eternal) Buddha.
Daikokuten was black in color and terrifyingly severe in appearance. He was associated with Okuninushi since the Kamakura period and then became known through his association with the well-known happy Ebisu god who is often seen standing on a bag of rice with a lucky bag in his left hand and a hammer in his right.
The founder of the Nichiren sect, Nichiren Daishonin also worshipped Daikokuten, and a statement about Daikokuten was left behind by him.
In Daikokuten Shinpo (a text on Daikokuten) it is written ‘If you enshrine and hold a memorial service, it will feed a thousand people and make a profit for the kitchen. If for three years you devote yourself to the memorial service you will always be rewarded with wealth, status and happiness. You will prosper naturally, your pleasures will double and you will have food that tastes delicious in each of the four seasons.’
This text illustrates Jigenjishujo Fukujukaimuryo (look on all living things with compassion and become immeasurable like a sea of happiness). Daikokuten is a god that protects battles, business and trade, wealth, housing and food. He also gives good fortune to the poor (both body and soul), Kairyoriku Tokuannonraku (gives everyone peace and relief from suffering) and is the god of good luck and good fortune.
Daikokuten of Matsugasaki
大黒天のご尊像は、伝教大師 ( 天台宗最澄上人 ) 一刀三礼の御作といわれ、立正大師 ( 日蓮聖人 ) 甲子年月日のご開眼であり、開山日英上人のご感得にて鎮座されました。
大黒天は、仏教の守護神であり、法華経・仏教信仰者の守護神であります。当山の大黒天は、京都の子丑の方角 ( 表鬼門 ) にお祀りされた、京都鬼門守護の福の神であり、ひろく平等に深く愛し、幸せの姿にみちた「寿福円満 開運招福 商売繁盛」ご守護の大黒さまです。
なお、昭和 44 年 1 月 20 日、ご信者の献灯によりお寺が 焼失しましたが、大黒さまは水火を免れ、無事ご出現されました。それにより「火中出現 火伏守護の大黒さま」として崇拝されています。
The statue of Daikokuten is said to be the work of Dengyo Daishi (Saicho Shonin of the Tendai sect), was enlightenment for year of the rat Rissho Taishi (Nichiren Shonin) and enshrined by the wish of the Japanese-British Kaisan Shonin.
Daikokuten is a guardian deity of Buddhism, and a guardian deity of the Lotus Sutra and believers of Buddhism. The Daikokuten of Myoenji was enshrined in the north-northeast of Kyoto (Omotekimon) and is the Kyoto God of good fortune for protection against disasters. He loved deeply, widely and equally, is seen as a figure of happiness and is the guardian deity for good luck and good business.
In addition, in 1969 (Showa 44) January 20th, the temple was burnt down by a fire caused by the lantern of a worshipper at the temple, however Daikokuten escaped the flames and was safe. As a result, he is also worshipped as ‘The Fire Prevention Guardian Daikokuten’.
Miyako hichifukujin mairi